4. Prologue, Part III

Perfect Brilliant StillnessDavid Carse

TRYING TO EXPLAIN WHAT IS, within what is not (which is to say, trying to explain or describe Truth with terms and concepts provided by illusion) is doomed from the start to be particularly fruitless. All there is, is seeing, Understanding, in What Is, in thoughtless, wordless stillness. It is simply impossible to communicate.

Why bother trying? Good question. All I can say is, like the Understanding itself, like ‘life’ itself, the attempts at communication come unsought, unasked for, unwilled, and there is no trying nor any doing. What follows is a conglomeration of odd bits of scribbled verse, journal entries, emails, letters, answers to questions, conversations reconstructed loosely from memory, and sometimes just sitting down at the computer and typing. Most of it is quite raw and unpolished. And all of it is simply Consciousness streaming through a mind/body apparatus completely empty of any individual self.

By which there is no special claim being made: the same is true of Consciousness streaming through the mind/body you think of as ‘yourself.’ You probably think you are reading this. I assure you, you are not. Reading is happening, but there is in no sense a ‘you’ doing it, and the ‘you’ you think you are most certainly does not exist. Welcome to All That Is.

I am fully aware that what follows may in places be quite difficult to read and make sense of. The word processor’s spelling and grammar-checking functions choked on this document. Basic rules of language: grammar, capitalization, punctuation, syntax, have all been stretched and mutilated in this attempt to get words to point away from their common usage and toward the decidedly uncommon.

Not much can be done about this. There is no intention to be obtuse: words are used in odd ways for a reason; because that’s as near as can be said. At this point, the text has been proof-read and spell-checked many times by many readers. If there are odd spellings, punctuations, or usages, these are most likely used intentionally, to convey a meaning; and the meaning would be (perhaps subtly) different if it were done ‘correctly.’

Often the text does not flow smoothly; it is frequently chopped up with unconventional words and phrasing when more familiar language would read more fluidly. This is unavoidable. You may find occasions where the language seems to contradict itself or what was said earlier. Given the limitations of language, this too is necessary.

Many of the themes are revisited, and so some of it may seem to be repetitive. See the repetition as an invitation to go deeper, to look through and beyond. Remember, these words are being used to point beyond themselves, and what is understood the first time they are read is rarely the deepest or the fullest understanding.

And please remember: none of the images or ideas or concepts presented here are themselves true or even directly indicate the Truth. All are only vectors pointing somewhere toward the general direction.

The reason nothing expressed here can be the Truth is that concepts, thought, and language are all inherently dualistic, and what they are trying to express is not. In duality, for every object there is a subject; for every better there is a worse; for each truth a falsehood; as much clarity as confusion; both love and hate, stillness and motion, perfect and imperfect, complete and incomplete.

This is why the masters were, and are, so fond of remarking, “Neti, Neti.” Neither this nor that, neither one side nor the other. In duality, and therefore in language, there’s always the flip side, the opposite that completes or complements and which is equally untrue.

Inherently dualistic language is used here in a peculiar way, to point to what transcends duality: ‘Love’ which is beyond love and hate; ‘Stillness’ that is not the opposite of movement; ‘Perfection’ which has nothing to do with perfect versus imperfect.

Traditionally, the teaching about this has been referred to as a set of ‘pointers’ rather than a set of ‘truths’ for this very reason; and also for this reason, there is a preference for pointers which indicate what ‘All That Is’ is not, rather than pointers which attempt to define what it is. Neti, Neti.

All these things, and everything written in the pages that follow, are just concepts, thought bubbles created here in this mind-generated illusion, and as such are severely limited and inherently flawed.

In fact, quite frankly, it’s all crap. Eventually all ideas, all experiences, all words, all books, all teachings are beside the point. Eventually all there is, is complete letting go and going beyond; going, completed, beyond. Then everything will cease, everything will have never been, and there is only Understanding, and the Peace that passes all understanding.

When you learn that there is nothing you can do to accomplish this or bring it about, there will be a moment of frustration. But this, like every thing, thought, or experience, will only be temporary. Fortunately it has never been up to ‘you’ anyway.

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