DN4.2. The Qualities of Soṇadaṇḍa

Soṇadaṇḍanta Sutta ("With Soṇadaṇḍa")

Now at that time around five hundred brahmins from abroad were residing in Campā on some business. They heard that the brahmin Soṇadaṇḍa was going to see the ascetic Gotama. They approached Soṇadaṇḍa and said to him, “Is it really true that you are going to see the ascetic Gotama?”

“Yes, gentlemen, it is true.”

“Please don’t, master Soṇadaṇḍa! It’s not appropriate for you to go to see the ascetic Gotama. For if you do so, your reputation will diminish and his will increase. For this reason it’s not appropriate for you to go to see the ascetic Gotama; it’s appropriate that he comes to see you.

You are well born on both your mother’s and father’s side, of pure descent, irrefutable and impeccable in questions of ancestry back to the seventh paternal generation. For this reason it’s not appropriate for you to go to see the ascetic Gotama; it’s appropriate that he comes to see you.

You’re rich, affluent, and wealthy. …

You recite and remember the hymns, and are have mastered the three Vedas, together with their vocabularies, ritual, phonology and etymology, and the testament as fifth. You know philology and grammar, and are well versed in cosmology and the marks of a great man. …

You are attractive, good-looking, lovely, of surpassing beauty. You are magnificent, splendid, remarkable to behold. …

You are ethical, mature in ethical conduct. …

You’re a good speaker, with a polished, clear, and articulate voice that expresses the meaning. …

You teach the teachers of many, and teach three hundred students to recite the hymns. Many students come from various districts and countries for the sake of the hymns, wishing to learn the hymns. …

You’re old, elderly and senior, advanced in years, and have reached the final stage of life. The ascetic Gotama is young, and has newly gone forth. …

You’re honored, respected, revered, venerated, and esteemed by King Bimbisāra of Magadha …

and the brahmin Pokkharasāti. …

You live in Campā, a crown property given by King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha, teeming with living creatures, full of hay, wood, water, and grain, a royal endowment of the highest quality. For this reason, too, it’s not appropriate for you to go to see the ascetic Gotama; it’s appropriate that he comes to see you.

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